En biología el término nocturnal hace referencia al ciclo de comportamiento en el que el animal se presenta mucho más activo en la noche que en el día. Dichos animales logran desarrollar a un nivel mayor sus sentidos como el oído, el olfato y la visión debido principalmente a la ausencia de luz. El objetivo de esa adaptación se justifica principalmente hacia dos fines: cazar y reproducirse. La noche posee sus propias connotaciones culturales y para mí son importantes aquellas connotaciones o comportamientos sociales de interacción y cohesión con los otros. En la noche cambian las dinámicas de poder, de estatus, de clase. Salir, encontrarse, romper una rutina. Ejecutar rituales en determinados espacios cuya vida es como el negativo de la vida diurna, donde en la penumbra o en la ausencia de luz se desafía eso que al parecer sería el objetivo final del ritual: obtener sexo. Los humanos somos seres que nos sobreponemos a la animalidad que contenemos en nuestro interior. Vivimos en una constante negación de ese componente de naturaleza que estamos obligados a cargar. Esa tensión al parecer encuentra su alivio temporal en la satisfacción sexual, es justo ahí donde el vínculo con nuestra animalidad nos excede por todas partes.
In biology, the term nocturnal refers to the cycle of behavior in which the animal is much more active at night than in the day. These animals manage to develop at a greater level their senses such as hearing, smell and vision due mainly to the absence of light. The objective of this adaptation is justified mainly towards two purposes: hunting and reproduction.
The night has its own cultural connotations and for me those connotations or social behaviors of interaction and cohesion with others are important. At night the dynamics of power, status, class change. Go out, meet, break a routine. Perform rituals in certain spaces whose life is like the negative of daytime life, where in the gloom or in the absence of light, what seems to be the ultimate goal of the ritual is to be challenged: to obtain sex.
Humans are beings that overcome the animality that we contain within ourselves. We live in a constant denial of that component of nature that we are obligated to carry. That tension seems to find temporary relief in sexual satisfaction, it is right there where the link with our animality exceeds us everywhere.
The night has its own cultural connotations and for me those connotations or social behaviors of interaction and cohesion with others are important. At night the dynamics of power, status, class change. Go out, meet, break a routine. Perform rituals in certain spaces whose life is like the negative of daytime life, where in the gloom or in the absence of light, what seems to be the ultimate goal of the ritual is to be challenged: to obtain sex.
Humans are beings that overcome the animality that we contain within ourselves. We live in a constant denial of that component of nature that we are obligated to carry. That tension seems to find temporary relief in sexual satisfaction, it is right there where the link with our animality exceeds us everywhere.